

There have been so many instances of Ursula’s excellent editing improving my writing that I don’t know where to begin! Her editing was essential when we worked at the MacArthur Foundation together, producing countless grant description briefs, information packets for our team retreats, and PowerPoint presentations with which we dazzled our bosses. And now that I’m freelancing, at least a couple of articles I’ve written for my blog have benefited from Ursula’s fine editing skills.

-Liliane L.

Ursula is an accomplished writer and an exacting, detail-oriented editor. She’s the only person I trust with my work. Not only does she clean up my mistakes and correct my grammar, she also has a keen insight into narrative and character development, which makes her an editorial double threat. My novels wouldn’t be nearly as polished—or coherent—without her help!

– Kurt C.

Ursula turned my clunky, cluttered resume into a polished piece that got me two job offers. Thank you, Ursula!

– Deven C.

Thanks to your beautiful work on my resume, I was able to get an awesome job. I’m so very excited and wanted to send a huge thank you your way!

– Jessie E.